
Friday, November 12, 2004

What is Faith?

Jesuit philosopher Bernard Lonergan states that "Faith is knowledge born of religious love." Faith is a way of knowing. Faith is a way of finding within the resources of our own cognitional structure (i.e., the ways our heads and hearts function) the ways to hope and healing, the means to life and liberty, the sources of courage and compassion. Faith frees us to be who and what we deeply and truly desire to be. Faith connects us to the love that structures reality, and empowers us to be conduits of that love in all we desire and in all we do.


  1. Hi A Jesuit's Jottings I’ve been looking for related blogs and I came across yours on What is Faith? during my trawl, so I thought it would be polite to let you know about my visit. You are most welcome to come and visit me at . I would also be happy to trade links with you if you are interested. Bye for now and have a nice day! Brother Roy.
