
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Two more articles:(1) on Obama (2) on Iraq

White America, Listen! Shame on us that the Obamas need to fear.

1.7 million = Iraq's body count if we were Iraq


  1. Hey Rick,
    Send me your email. I'd like to drop you a line. I've got a gmail address of dcushwa. Please delete this comment after you retrieve it. Thanks.
    Dave Cushwa

  2. Dear Fr. Malloy,
    Why are you shouting when you write an article? Why is the liberation of Iraq bad? Do you not think the world is better off with out Saddam and his sons,killing soccer players, gasing fellow Iraqis and running active rape rooms? Are you not in the least bit sensitive to the fact that the numbers of Iraqis murders of which nearly 85% were killed in non-combat by fellow Iraqi warlords, drug cartels, Sunni / Shia violence. Do not Iraqi children deserve protection? Are not Iraqi mothers just as important as American mothers? I think that a Jesuit priest should be able to decifer moral equalents a little better. There is a difference between murder and those killed in combat.


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