
Sunday, December 18, 2011

"Even Darkness Must pass, A New Day Will Come"

" 'What are we holding onto Sam?' 'That there's some good in this world Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for' "

Sam's Speech in The Lord of the Rings reminds me of the Christmas story, the tale of our God born all baby bald to be the savior of the world. Mary and Joseph kept on despite Roman oppression and Herod's insanity. Elizabeth and Zechariah, the angels and the shepherds proclaim the Good News. The wise man venture to lands they know not. And we, we are called to do in our times what they did in theirs: welcome and protect the child and all the children.

Jesus comes to bring justice and peace to our bruised and battered world. O Come Let Us Adore.... Peace, Fr. Rick

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