
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Really Hard to Believe: PA Kicks 88,000 Kids Off Health Insurance Rolls

Lots of talk these days from some politicians who want to put kids to work. In previous eras, kids worked. Here's a picture of Pennsylvania Breaker Boys, the little boys who worked in the coal mines in NE Pennsylvania, providing the nation's energy in the early 20th century.

Chris Kelly at the
Scranton Times Tribune reveals the ugly truth of our times:

"Despite his serial attacks on the state's most vulnerable citizens, Gov. Tom Corbett's recent call for $160 million in new budget cuts and an asset test for food stamp recipients was breathtaking in its cowardice. Once again, he "stood up" to Pennsylvania's poorest while lying down for out-of-state corporations getting filthy rich at our expense."

"The reaction of Monsignor Joseph P. Kelly, executive director of Catholic Social Services for the Diocese of Scranton, was universal among observers possessed of even an ounce of Christian charity: 'My immediate reaction was, 'Who is advising the governor on this?' " he said. "I mean, this is terrible public policy. Do we really not want to feed people in the United States of America?" ...

"Well, since August, 88,000 kids whose only sin was being born poor in Pennsylvania lost their health insurance while scores of corporations hauled billions in profits out of this state while giving next to nothing in return."

[It's crazier than you can imagine. [ click to read full article] Published: January 22, 2012

Ex-Welfare Department adviser published controversial views on women, sex and Medicaid.

God help the Outcasts. God help us all.

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