
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Kudos to Pres of OU for standing up for Racial Justice


Check out the President of Oklahoma University, who expelled students involved in yelling racist chants on an SAE Fraternity party bus.  

Know racism is unacceptable and will not be tolerated by sane and sensible people.   Talk among peers. Do not stand for racist words, attitudes or actions.  Speak up and let racists know they are wrong. 

- Fr. Rick


  1. Racial justice?
    Stop the nonsense. Freedom of speech is the FIRST AMENDMENT to the American Constitution.
    You can criticize them, scold them and certainly not invite them to dinner but the knee jerk expulsion and 'guilt by association' to the rest of that fraternity is a disgrace.

  2. Noted that your comment, your exercise of free speech, is anonymous. If you want to be taken seriously, identify yourself. -
    Fr Rick

  3. Speech is speech. Anonymous or named it is equivalent. Your false dilemma is dismissed.

    Your post supports the national pastime of shining a crushing spotlight on some few, unfortunate people (usually young and under some influence) who commit a faux pas or lese majeste. Authority, whom you support, crushes them without recourse to basic constitutional principle. They are stigmatized and expelled (or worse!) without recourse.

    The constitutionality of the expulsion of these fools will be determined by the court.

    I know Ephesians 4:29 but what about Ecclesiastes 7:9?
