
Monday, March 22, 2010

Health Care Passes: An Historic Moment

There are few days in a lifetime that you get to see real change in a moment. The millions who will now be covered, the inability to be categorized as a "re-existing" condition, the recent college grads who will have some breathing room, the maintaining of the Hyde Amendment provisions meaning no federal funds for abortion: this is an historic moment. Even the idiot who called Bart Stupak a "baby killer" could not dim this moment.

E.J. Dionne at the Washington Post captures the moment well (click here for full article).


"On Nov. 19, 1945, Truman stated facts that are true to this day. "People with low or moderate incomes do not get the same medical attention as those with high incomes," he said. "The poor have more sickness, but they get less medical care. People who live in rural areas do not get the same amount or quality of medical attention as those who live in our cities."

The nation, Truman added, needed to resolve "that financial barriers in the way of attaining health shall be removed" and "that the health of all its citizens deserves the help of all the Nation." Nearly 65 years later, Truman's wish has come to pass.


For Obama, this struggle was transformative. He began his administration full of hope that his campaign pledge to achieve concord across party lines was a realistic possibility. But when faced with implacable Republican opposition, he jettisoned the happy talk and came out fighting.

If bipartisanship is more fashionable than partisanship, partisanship with a purpose is infinitely preferable to paralysis. Obama has made clear that he will reach out when he can, and do battle when he must.

By temperament, the president is more a consensus builder than a warrior. But he is also a practical man who wants to accomplish big things. On Sunday, he did just that on health care, and he earned a place in history."


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  2. A flexible Catholicism indeed. As a Jesuit, surely you cannot believe that an executive order undoes law. Do you really believe that the most pro abortion President in history, a constitutional law professor, even thinks his executive order will undo law? Come on Padre.

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    ، من ثم نعرض لكم جميع المميزات التي تخص

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    • عند أكتشاف أي نوع من الصراصير فعليك أن تقوم بأستبعاد القطعة التي يوجد فيها هذه الحشرة حتى لا تنقل العدوي لغيرها من قطع الأثاث، حيث تقوم

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    بعمل معاينة لجميع قطع الأثاث وعمل أبادة تامة من هذه الحشرة التي تعمل على تلوث الطعام وإصابة الأطفال بميكروب، وتستخدم شركتنا لمكافحة الصراصير أفضل أنواع المبيدات لطردها نهائياً من المنزل وعدم عودتها مرة أخرى.
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    بعمل معاينة أولاً لمعرفة المكان الذي يأتي منه النمل ثم تستخدم الشركة المبيد الحشري المناسب لكي يعمل على طرد النمل نهائياَ من المنزل.
