
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"YES WE CAN" v. "Hell No you can't"

This says it all.


  1. It is all about racism? This sort of argument seems the sort of reductionist argument one might expect from a high school freshman. The ploy of the dems now is to race bait. Thus the high school drama of Pelosi et al walking across the brige with arms locked. It could not have been that perhaps someone was planted to cast slurs toward their own end? Oh, of course not. In this way, they lay the groudwork for the next fraud--immigration reform.
    Back when my Father and brother were at Georgetown Prep and University the Jesuits were WAY WAY smarter than this.

  2. It's not about race.

    It's about NO.

    Many people voted for this President because of these very things: Healthcare, Environment, Students, Voluntarism, Jobs & Stimulus. These are the bills that have passed.

    And there you have the Senator from Ohio, screaming like a two-year old, No!

    It's absurd.

    And I think the video shows that.

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  4. In response to the first comment, here is yet another review from one of my college students on Rick's book A FAITH THAT FREES: "A Faith that Frees, by Father Rick Malloy, is an unbiased, unprejudiced book about the Catholic faith and how it is viewed in our world today. I thought that Father Malloy, by far had, the most interesting and refreshing points about the Catholic Church and the catholic faith that I had read in a long time. Fr. Malloy really covers every key issue that presents itself in the church and in society that affects the church from sex scandals to politics, he really covers a lot of key topics that are prominent in the world today. Even though I did not agree with all of Father Malloy’s points and I think that he may have shied away from stating his true opinions on some matters because of his loyalty to his church, I think overall he does a fantastic job or relating religion to culture and the world today."

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