
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Malloy on Faith and Science

Here's a chance to comment on my article on the relationship of faith and science for U.S. Catholic magazine.

Put your faith in science
Don't be afraid of the discoveries of dark matter and black holes. Science can shed a light on faith.

[Please take the survey that follows this essay.]

By Richard G. Malloy, S.J., author of A Faith that Frees (Orbis) and Vice President for Mission and Ministry a the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania.

"How can you believe in evolution?" a Christian woman accuses me. I explain that I don't believe in evolution. I accept evolution as a scientific theory in the same way I accept the theory of gravity. In 2006 National Geographic News reported that only 14 percent of Americans thought evolution is "definitely true." A third rejects the idea. Only people in Turkey have a lower rate of acceptance of Darwin's discoveries.

Americans are becoming more and more scientifically illiterate. We often fail to distinguish between different kinds of knowledge-theological, philosophical, humanistic, and scientific. Scientific knowledge, by definition, is always revisable, but that does not mean it is untrue. All scientific knowledge is theoretical. A theory holds until someone comes along disproving the theory and offers a better explanation. Truth for science means "that which has not been disproven." The "law of gravity" is "just a theory" in which we have a whole lot of confidence.


Have a blessed Advent!


  1. I enjoyed the piece - and took the survey (though I'm surely not a representative sample...)
