
Friday, December 03, 2010

Sing a Song of Advent

In the mid 1990s, a young girl at Holy Name School in Camden, NJ, penned the following verse. For me, it's always been a harbinger of Christmas! During these delightful and dark December days, I wish you peace. - Rick

Sing a Song of Christmas

Baby in the hay

Shepherds in hillside

Kings from far away.
Star from heaven beaming

Turning night to day
Son of God redeeming

Loving sin away

Sing a Song of Friday

Crosses on a hill
Nails and thorns and whiplash
All gathered for the kill

Sing a Song of Easter
Tomb flung open wide
Bandages left lying

Angels there beside
Women come to weep for Him
Sent from there in Joy
Followers who trust Him

Death cannot destroy!

Sing a Song of Sunday

Christians in the pews

Gathered to adore Him

To hear the Great Good News

Then go forth to serve Him
Peace and Justice seek
Find him in the poorest
Love him in the meek!

- Charese Browning, 8th Grade, Holy Name School, Camden NJ, 1995