Have a Blessed and Merry Christmas

Have a Blessed and Merry Christmas!
This Christmas, be present to the reality and meanings of God’s gifts to us. Eat hearty. Party wisely and well. Don't work too hard. Read Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol and Oscar Hijuelos' Mr. Ives' Christmas. Watch Its' a Wonderful Life, Charlie Brown's Christmas, and While You Were Sleeping. Listen to Christmas in the Trenches by John McCutcheon and watch Joyeux Noel.
Take a child to see Santa. Give generously to the poor. Sing Christmas Carols and drink hot chocolate with Marshmallows. Sled. Get lots of sleep. Students, play with your little brothers and sisters. Be nice to them. They look up to you. Help your parents. Do the dishes and clean the bathroom. Come back refreshed and ready for the second semester.
Walk outside at 2:00 AM on a freezing cold, starlit, 15o degree night, and experience the awesomeness of the universe. Go to Midnight Mass. Read the first chapters of Matthew and Luke.
Most of all, know that Christmas is the time of year when we remember and ponder the birth of our God who loves us so much that he becomes one of us. Vulnerable and wrapped in swaddling clothes, appears the one who saves us. Worship him these days. Know that Jesus is real and wants to be reborn again in your heart. The Lord has a mission for you. These days, listen to that inner voice of your imagination wherein God communicates.
Know that St. Ignatius was right: All is Gift! All of us here in University Ministries at the University of Scranton wish you a Blessed Christmas. Peace and Joy to you and all the world!
Peace and Prayers,
Fr. Rick, S.J
Labels: Christmas, christmas in the trenches, It's a Wonderful Life, Joyeux Noel, McCutcheon