Sunday, December 22, 2024


Jon Stewart's explanation on corporate trickle down.  

“When corporations fail you pay for it. But when they succeed, it’s theirs.  They socialize their losses and privatize their gains. Why do we allow that?

[Voice of an apologist for Capitalism on cable news] “Consider this wealthy people do not stash their billions in safe deposit boxes loaded with $100 bills. They don’t do that and they don’t spend it all at the mall. They don’t spend like crazy. No wealthy people invest. It is investment that creates jobs and economic growth.”]

See this is the lie they tell you. That all this money flowing towards corporate moneyed interests is actually for your benefit. That government intervention for corporations is our free market, but government intervention for workers is socialism. And that’s the reason for all the socialism scaremongering. It’s a false choice to make you believe that this country has but two options: a socialist, authoritarian, hamburgerless, Venezuelan nightmare, or accept the status quo where large corporations benefit from government help, then use some of those profits to lobby the same government for more government help.

They want you to believe that in the free market, while your wages stay low, someday the largesse will eventually trickle down. And in the meantime, enjoy watching your tax dollars help billionaires launch themselves into ******* space.”

(“Jon Stewart's explanation on corporate trickle down.  Bing Videos. Accessed Dec 22, 2024)

Posted by Rick Malloy, S.J.  Dec 22, 2024.  


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