Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Iraq War's effect on Alaska

Iraq War's effect on Alaska

The upcoming deployment of members of Alaska's National Guard imposes severe hardships on those left behind in isolated villages. Many people in the small communites of 200 to 500 people will miss those who fish and fill the freezers with salmon for the winter. The handpainted sign (see the picture to the left) appears on the side of a building in Bethel Alaska. Here are two newspaper accounts of the deployment's effects. Spaning the "lower 48," one is from Seattle and the other from Atlantic City.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Week in Marshall, Alaska up on the Yukon River

Fascinating Week in Marshall, Alaska.

June 12-16, I was in a little Yu'pik Eskimo village up on the Yukon River in the Alaskan bush. Very different way of life there. All of life revolves around subsistence fishing of salmon. Wonderful, friendly people.

Check out this link: